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Voucher via the Viato Internet Booking Engine

Interface to voutify

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Value vouchers, vouchers for arrangements, tickets for events at the hotel or even shipping items - you can offer all important services in a modern system and make them bookable online. From ordering to payment, everything runs automatically - voutify takes care of everything for you!

Get to know your future voucher store here. Ricardo Fust from voutify explains your numerous sales options in the video. You can also get a first insight into the backend of the voucher tool via this link.


And the best: Your guests can redeem the vouchers directly at the next room booking via the Viato BookingEngine - that's unique!


How this works you will learn in this tutorial: Viato BookingEngine - the use of the voutify - voucher.


We are happy to inform you about exclusive voutify price advantages for Viato customers.